Number of morbidity with acute and chronic diseases by main diseases groups (cases)

  2018 2019 2020 2021 2022  
Number of cases diagnosed for the first time 1 584 639 1 553 429 1 104 772 1 450 017 1 690 979
Infectious and parasitic diseases 89 591 93 560 90 609 107 326 95 035
Neoplasms 10 356 9 973 6 736 7 884 9 517
Diseases of the endocrin system, digestion disorders, disorders of metabdism and immunity
Blood circulation diseases and other hematogenic disturbances 55 989 50 578 28 768 34 770 49 684
Mental and behavioral disorders 10 894 10 096 6 569 8 530 10 796
Diseases of nervous sistem and sense organs 46 538 44 514 29 026 40 696 45 892
Diseases of the eye and its appendages 89 916 89 323 50 674 64 526 87 930
Diseases of the ear and mastoid 54 856 58 058 33 784 40 205 53 013
Blood circulation diseases 53 565 56 739 41 213 37 032 43 293
Respiratory diseases 593 804 531 940 406 435 596 442 687 141
Digestive diseases 127 867 188 301 126 491 174 307 192 068
Urogenital diseases 112 570 104 086 75 719 86 176 98 974
Reproductive sistem
Reproductive sistem
Skin infections and underskin fat 79 206 77 686 46 426 56 875 74 515
Osteo-muscular and connective tissue disorders
Congenital anomalies (developmental defects) 5 789 6 327 3 562 4 321 6 026
Symptoms, signs and ill-defined state 6 183 7 814 4 430 5 674 7 987
Certain conditions originating in the perinatal period
Certain conditions originating in the perinatal period 7 022 7 596 5 242 7 560 10 031
Injuries and poisonings 91 859 87 378 59 158 67 106 79 166
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Open data created by the National Statistics Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license (Attribution - Non-Commercial Use - Under the Same Conditions) 4.0 Worldwide..

Based on data from the official website of the NSC KR