Number of cases diagnosed for the first time (people)

  2011 2012 2013 2014 2015  
Number of cases diagnosed for the first time 1 554 246 1 790 278 1 657 939 1 647 455 1 678 697
Infectious and parasitic diseases 107 881 124 338 119 925 118 237 113 954
Neoplasms 9 121 11 636 9 719 10 235 10 228
Diseases of the endocrin system, digestion disorders, disorders of metabdism and immunity 50 383 46 867 43 492 40 590 39 207
Blood circulation diseases and other hematogenic disturbances 93 290 93 617 93 063 93 112 92 574
Mental and behavioral disorders 8 788 12 728 13 183 11 811 10 922
Diseases of nervous sistem and sense organs 64 843 70 605 76 772 69 559 72 942
Diseases of the eye and its appendages 77 704 83 164 79 375 85 477 86 189
Diseases of the ear and mastoid 61 824 62 214 61 239 61 638 67 496
Blood circulation diseases 45 782 48 722 46 864 47 641 52 688
Respiratory diseases 475 973 489 607 504 561 510 923 518 173
Digestive diseases 143 125 321 942 168 395 163 570 180 095
Urogenital diseases 123 013 124 815 131 904 128 456 131 656
Reproductive sistem 45 009 48 324 48 464 46 546 48 100
Skin infections and underskin fat 83 061 84 508 86 612 87 343 92 614
Osteo-muscular and connective tissue disorders 40 276 39 164 43 813 43 503 42 598
Congenital anomalies (developmental defects) 2 329 2 825 3 498 3 249 3 519
Symptoms, signs and ill-defined state 2 157 2 315 2 597 2 450 2 890
Certain conditions originating in the perinatal period 13 853 14 331 13 215 12 977 11 204
Injuries and poisonings 105 834 108 556 111 248 110 138 101 648
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Open data created by the National Statistics Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license (Attribution - Non-Commercial Use - Under the Same Conditions) 4.0 Worldwide..

Based on data from the official website of the NSC KR