Naryn oblast

  2018 2019 2020 2021 2022  
Cattle 174 650 182 239 187 249 199 772 207 043
Cows 80 868 85 405 87 827 90 630 93 366
Sheep and goats 1 064 767 1 088 822 1 101 111 1 116 872 1 127 887
Horses 119 367 127 419 131 644 137 847 142 493
Poultry 204 510 206 883 207 066 210 801 213 064
Cattle 154 163 168 169 153
Cows 25 26 26 27 27
Sheep and goats 1 220 2 010 2 037 2 136 954
Horses 294 302 288 267 274
Cattle 978 48 46 66 97
Cows 1 25 36 46 42
Sheep and goats 101 127 154 233 858
Horses 104 111 105 175 229
Cattle 155 082 162 498 167 053 178 261 185 947
Cows 70 879 74 856 77 058 79 300 82 227
Sheep and goats 938 849 958 374 970 021 984 892 996 363
Horses 108 441 115 681 119 511 124 804 129 708
Poultry 175 882 178 505 177 381 178 362 184 536
Cattle 18 436 19 530 19 982 21 276 20 846
Cows 9 963 10 498 10 707 11 257 11 070
Sheep and goats 124 597 128 311 128 899 129 611 129 712
Horses 10 528 11 325 11 740 12 601 12 282
Poultry 28 628 28 378 29 685 32 439 28 528
Лицензия Creative Commons

Open data created by the National Statistics Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license (Attribution - Non-Commercial Use - Under the Same Conditions) 4.0 Worldwide..

Based on data from the official website of the NSC KR