Osh oblast

  2018 2019 2020 2021 2022  
Cattle 366 327 374 659 383 180 389 304 397 288
Cows 186 833 189 232 193 309 195 537 199 253
Sheep and goats 1 142 087 1 154 534 1 148 317 1 153 070 1 121 452
Horses 96 439 98 909 100 630 101 466 98 572
Poultry 950 268 966 364 985 595 1 000 181 1 038 038
Cattle 16 16 17 19 23
Cows 8 9 11 10 10
Sheep and goats 3 520 3 716 3 683 3 778 3 718
Horses 148 145 147 176 161
Cattle 144 69 108 96 168
Cows 32 18 20 11 11
Sheep and goats 275 786 855 337 607
Horses 97 150 160 93 62
Poultry 21 400 21 800 28 100 29 200 62 500
Cattle 70 988 73 852 71 584 73 535 76 718
Cows 37 751 38 254 35 903 37 048 38 244
Sheep and goats 222 480 221 458 205 063 208 454 202 924
Horses 19 485 19 228 19 031 18 695 18 304
Poultry 180 431 184 578 175 642 180 794 187 379
Cattle 295 179 300 722 311 471 315 654 320 379
Cows 149 042 150 951 157 375 158 468 160 988
Sheep and goats 915 812 928 574 938 716 940 501 914 203
Horses 76 709 79 386 81 292 82 502 80 045
Poultry 748 437 759 986 781 853 790 187 788 159
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Open data created by the National Statistics Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license (Attribution - Non-Commercial Use - Under the Same Conditions) 4.0 Worldwide..

Based on data from the official website of the NSC KR www.stat.kg..