Chuy oblast

  2018 2019 2020 2021 2022  
Cattle 289 952 299 951 305 861 309 353 314 181
Cows 136 806 139 944 143 213 146 160 149 421
Pigs 47 683 32 442 27 609 28 068 24 356
Sheep and goats 655 618 663 082 670 284 659 169 660 049
Horses 70 074 74 501 76 653 75 648 75 931
Poultry 2 480 455 2 492 934 2 456 568 2 265 522 2 724 210
Cattle 234 214 217 44 44
Cows 72 59 62 15 13
Pigs 8 2
Sheep and goats 178 172 181 261 78
Horses 156 155 156 194 118
Cattle 5 595 4 788 5 741 4 296 4 741
Cows 2 193 1 982 2 423 1 883 2 324
Pigs 1 500 1 600 1 095 2 905 2 905
Sheep and goats 4 662 5 999 5 820 6 067 6 507
Horses 1 115 856 881 729 603
Poultry 876 695 717 007 693 321 749 794 1 098 448
Cattle 167 500 180 835 177 753 185 646 189 217
Cows 78 796 82 949 82 049 87 159 88 269
Pigs 26 960 16 117 14 661 15 449 13 526
Sheep and goats 437 795 452 753 447 327 444 175 439 042
Horses 50 640 55 241 56 510 56 458 56 198
Poultry 815 908 977 079 890 909 731 553 711 321
Cattle 116 623 114 114 122 150 119 367 120 179
Cows 55 745 54 954 58 679 57 103 58 815
Pigs 19 215 14 723 11 853 9 714 7 925
Sheep and goats 212 983 204 158 216 956 208 666 214 422
Horses 18 163 18 249 19 106 18 267 19 012
Poultry 787 852 798 848 872 338 784 175 914 441
Лицензия Creative Commons

Open data created by the National Statistics Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license (Attribution - Non-Commercial Use - Under the Same Conditions) 4.0 Worldwide..

Based on data from the official website of the NSC KR